#ChampionMom - Classic Holiday Stains and How to Treat Them

By: christineh Wednesday December 20, 2017 comments Tags: holidays, champion mom, Carpet Cleaning, stains, wine, coffee, grease

#ChampionMom - Classic Holiday Stains and How to Treat Them

The holidays are a time of year for family and friends to get together and celebrate. For a lot of us, that means loads of good food and drink. But what goes hand-in-hand with these smorgasbords? Youve got itstains! Chances are, youve had something spilled on a tablecloth, carpet, or clothing that will seriously leave a stain if left untreated. Here are some of the biggest stain culprits and how to handle them: Wine If one of your guests drops a glass of wine (especially red) on your carpet, then youve got to spring into... Read More


